She Sells Seashells

By Seashell

Peeka and Boo..

Some may call this the day when I had nothing to Blip..

I prefer to call it a Study of Textures. ;)

I had to go to school today, but you'll never guess what I saw there....

About 4 horses shut into a fenced student area by the school field, I thought I must be dreaming or that I'd slipped on the ice and taken a bump to the head!

It was a bit odd.

Apparently, overnight, some horses had escaped from a feild onto a road and in the morning, for some reason, had followed a teacher's car all the way to school! So the caretakers had hearded the horses into the fenced area and shut them in until they decided what to do with them.

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera on me, I did take a picture on my phone but the quality leaves something to be desired....

Ah well, maybe next time, eh?

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