Today's the day

By sheilwill

Mint Cake

Today's the day ........................ for the stuff of legend

Tell anyone that you come from Kendal and probably the only thing that will instantly come to their mind is - Kendal Mint Cake. Everyone knows about it. It is the stuff of legend. Edmund Hillary and his team carried Kendal Mint Cake with them on the first successful ascent of Mount Everest in 1953 and Hillary is reported to have said, "It was easily the most popular item on our high altitude ration - our only criticism was that we did not have enough of it."

Kendal Mint Cake is found as a natural deposit in stratified layers far beneath the town. It has been mined or 'minted' since it was first discovered by chance in 1869 by Joseph Wiper. There are currently three companies in Kendal associated with its production namely Romney's, Wilson's and Quiggin's.

I would normally have blipped the actual Cake but for most of the winter - and certainly when times are hard, Mint Cake is the staple diet food of the population of Kendal and this one has already been eaten ..............

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