
By kevin

Lothian Panorama

I went for a run today or perhaps more accurately I attempted to go for a run. I had reasoned that Beecraigs would have seen a few walkers and dog walkers not to mention lots of people sledging on Cockleroy. The reality was that the roads had been blocked until yesterday and that the woodland carparks still had not been cleared so no-one had been out. Attempting to run in 2 foot deep snow isn't up on my list of favourite things.

One intrepid couple and there two kids had hiked through the snow to sledge on Cockleroy only to find that the snow was too deep. Trying to climb up was a major undertaking.

This is the view from just next to the restaurant at Beecraigs. From left to right the features are Arthurs Seat in Edinburgh, The Bing at Winchburgh, Binny Craig is the crag on the left and then the Pentland Hills.

Looks much better LARGE.

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