
By HKing

You know you're in a Nordic country when...

> Football training is only cancelled when it drops below -10°C.
-8°C and a snow covered pitch, however, is perfect weather of a football match.

> You start to regard -1°C as "mild".

> There is so much untouched snow everywhere (all the more for me to destroy) because no one finds snow particularly exciting.

> Everyone finds it hilarious when the hear about all the school closures and public transport chaos in Britain due to snow.

Apart from watching all these poor girls freezing their fingers off playing football (J's team won though... 4-0 yaay!), we went to help serve coffee and cakes at a concert in the Skeppsholmskyrkan to raise money for J's school. It was really nice, we got to sit in on the concert and listen to some nice Christmas music :) There were three singers performing who were amazing.

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