Dreamy Summer Days
Its warm, its festive and people are out and about with smiles on their faces. Young lads and their swept up cars, girls in their sports cars and me on the motorway just cruising listening to some music and enjoying the day.
I've been to the city again and hopefully I'm all done with the Christmas shopping - just food shopping now, its slowly coming together and I have less than 2 weeks before little brother and his family arrives. Little brother - who am I trying to kid, hes well over 6Ft and I didn't make it to 5Ft - you can imagine the high jinks with 6 years between us! My only sibling and hes the best!!
Some of you have been interested in seeing the new camera on close shots - well here it is. Something different and was quite differcult to get in focus with a gentle breeze - I was persistant! Its a clematis. I will do more close shots later in the week, as I think it will be a busy one.
Enjoy the rest of Sunday - keep warm or cool wherever you are :)
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