Pakjesavond - Saint Nicholas' eve
The 5th of December is pakjesavond (Saint Nicholas' eve) in Holland. Sinterklaas brings gifts to both children and adults. Our girls still believe in Sinterklaas (though I think Nienke is starting to doubt if it's really true) and traditionally we visit Martine's parents to celebrate.
Because the children need to go to school tomorrow, we thought it would be a better idea to have a Saint Nicholas' morning instead. Unpacking the gifts was a lot of fun and the girls were really pleased with their gifts. The first gift that Inge opened had her shouting "this is exactly what I wanted, how cool is that?". Here we see Ellis opening one of her gifts and Nienke helping her where needed.
MartineSinterklaas bought me a canvas print of this image. When it's hanging on the wall I will probably blip it some day. We're still at my in-laws where we will have a gourmet in about an hour.
A great Sunday so far; hope yours is just as wonderful!
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