
By beveridge


Today was going to be a panic cat shot (he's a little poorly so I thought I'd leave him alone) but a few days ago D decided that for the next 10 years he's going to have his pic taken everyday so that he can see how much he ages daily!! I reckon that this fad will probably last until Christmas and not much further but until then, I'm sure I will be making use of him ..........

I'm actually annoyed coz yesterday someone in a large 4x4 hit the side of dad's car and then pushed him over - I mean what sort of person who is around 35 and 16/17 stone pushes a 72 year old man over?? Why?? - he said dad should have given way as its single file trafic - well erm nope its a 2 way road he was speeding and using the middle, dad said the accident would have been much worse if he hadn't anticipated it and swerved to the left. Luckily no-one ws hurt but in these icy conditions peoel should dive with more care than normal. This man was obviously a bully but if it had been me he'd pushed over I'd ahev reported it as assult, but my dad's not as mean as me.

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