
By cracker

Police Academy

Firstly a big Thank You to everyone that looked at, commented and favourited my Morning MistMorning Mist entry for yesterday! I was really happy with it and lucky to be in the right place at the right time! It even made the Spotlight Page which is such a buzz!!

Second day shift this morning. I stopped in and had a blood test to see if our fourth egg had worked this morning, and it hasn't so we still have two left and will give the next one a go in two weeks time!

The Ladder Platform is a fire truck stationed at Oakleigh that comes and does it's start of shift checks at our station some days. It has a 37 meter (121 feet) ladder with a 'bucket' that you can stand in on the top and is used to rescue people from high places and to fight fires from the air. There are two fire fighters on the truck at all times and one of them this morning was Armytage Shanks!

While they were at our station this morning Armytage Shanks and I went up in the 'bucket' to take some photos! From up there we could see the city in the hazy distance, the water of Port Phillip Bay to the South and the Police Academy which sits on top of a hill not far from us! I took five photos at different exposures of the Police Academy and turned it into an HDR.

The Academy is on 16 Hectares (40 acres) and it's main building was built in 1954 and used to be a seminary for the Roman Catholic Church before being sold in 1972 to the Victoria Police. It has a beautiful chapel in it and is a bit of a landmark since you can see it from far away since it's on the hill!

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