
I thought the title would be slightly amusing, but since typing it out I can hear is Phil Daniels in his broadest cockney saying he 'sometimes feeds the pigeons'. Harking back to my youth as a Britpop Kid, Cool Brittania etc etc.

Shot down the park to see if I could adequately capture the sun across the snow for a (hopefully) final snow blip for the forseeable future. It appears very few people have braved the 18" or so, although thanks to the bright sunshine thats down to about a foot now. When I first clambered out of my pit at quarter past ridiculous this morning the temperature was allegedly -14 degrees. That's according to the thermometer on my housemates car - I've never trusted that car anyway. It tells lies.

I was going to do another one of those edgy shots of me looking menacing in a hoodie and apparently a bit see through as well. I didn't have time and its probably flogging a dead horse. So after today i'm going to challenge myself to find something non snow related every day.

Just looking on ebay at ordering my new lens to replace the one I so stupidly broke last week. Sixty quid seem reasonable?

Was listening to some Twisted Wheel last night and this lyric grabbed me by the jacobs and had a little shake, so I thought I'd share it with you:

That's how, you figure it out
You need to get lost before you can be found

Simple but I think a thinly disguised condoning of me going off the rails - if I don't how can I ever be saved? :-D

Thanks to everyones kind words and comments yesterday. As I stressed I personally haven't been too affected by the tragic events as I haven't seen or spoken to Keith in about ten years. However I did pass the comments on to my Dad and Mo who are understandably upset. Still feeling a bit spun out about it all, just the relatively young age and the fact it was an accident that has happened to a fully fit and fucntioning man. Scary. [/i]

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