My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute

Charming Colors

Today I:

*Had my last Humanities Core lecture for the quarter
*Had a conference with my English teacher
*Went to my last Uni Studies class where we had a mini party and I brought Dum Dums and napkins
*Went to turn in my last essay in English and had my last class in English
*Went to see a counselor about my schedule and had a nice chat
*Registered for classes which was HARD but I actually got a pretty good schedule by luck, like I did this quarter (no classes Monday or Friday! That was heaven :D.
*Went to Charming Colors where you took a personality test which told you what color you were. It was pretty lame. Then you could make friendship bracelets, but with thread, and they didn't give us instructions, so it was pretty lame. I'm gold =)

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