Blipping Along

By BlippingAlong

Furroughed light ....

A quick dash out at lunchtime to capture today's blip - another glimpse of the Chichester Canal Basin .....

Daydreaming, iSnaps, Coasting and I got together at lunchtime to discuss our big January project - we're bravely planning an exhibition of our blips at work. I'm intrigued to know what kind of response we're going to get - I just hope that our colleagues will be gentle on us!

Each of us are going to enlarge 2 - 3 images and this is where I'm hoping you'll help - any suggestions of blips already taken which potentially could be included are much appreciated. And we'll also each have a themed set of images - my plan is to display blips that I've taken on my weekly treks to Oxford, illustrating on a map where they were taken.

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