Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe

Good, Bad, and Ugly

That was a Street Photography Now Project Instruction from a few weeks ago, and how my day generally went today.

I went into town and my phone randomly died on me within half an hour (and it has my life on it - between calls, texts, emails, and the internet, not to mention functioning as my watch, so a day shooting with no reference to it is strangely hellish). Then, I end up late for a meeting and my printer dies. Great, just great. Also means I miss out on two more bus journeys for today, which would have meant two further opportunities to shoot for this. But, at least I did get one good shot for it.

And I got today's blip, which I quite like. I\m not a massive fan of crowd or mass-of-people shots, but this one has some intrigue, I think. The background poster and baby in beanie, and the smiling angel boy in the foreground with his hand disappearing into the woman. Not to mention the strange expressions/features on both the foreground women. I don't know, I just get a strong feeling from this image.

I also had some postive and rather random chats with 3 lovely friends in between braving the hideously cold and slippery streets to shoot.

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