Club 107

By club107

Digging the car out again

'Dad, can chickens drive cars?'

'No they can't, but that doesn't stop people driving like cocks.'

No, not a true conversation in our house but more a statement of fact, especially considering the chap who undertook me in very icy conditions and then over took someone 1 minute later in the Meadows.

You are not going to believe this but today it snowed! Well that is what we could have said a few years back when snow was pretty rare but these days it is all too familiar, so much so I heard a collective grown when it started snowing again.

Very very stupidly I decided to go into the office, having carefully avoided it last week, what a bad move. All the more so as I left a laptop adaptor. So I had to go back, but meanwhile Central Scotland ground to a halt. So battery runs out, finish of effective work, I shovelled clear more mountains of snow, only 12 cms fell today in our garden.

To put this into some perspective, I recall a conversation I had with one of our colleagues in the US. It highlighted the difference between those who are very much used to it and those whose governments bank on it to be so rare an event they are never prepared. Let's face it, if they can deal with 2 metres of snow, then we are simply not equipped to deal with a mere fraction of.

So I crossed the city to get my adaptor and the streets were empty, who can blame people for not wanting to go out with images of many people stuck in cars for hours and now I can work properly and more importantly, having dashed by for some emergency provisions, oh yes our first attempt to get shopping delivered failed quite miserably due to the weather, we have crumpets for tomorrow.

Over beside the bypass it was a nippy


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