A time for everything

By turnx3

Wintry scene by the stream

A bitterly cold day today, with no sun to take the edge off it. This morning I was at church for the second week in our Advent study, then following that I went to the mall to continue with Christmas shopping. I've ended up getting a number of things online this year, but there's a couple of people I'm struggling with ideas for, and I hoped looking round the shops might provide me with inspiration! I did have some success, but I'm still not totally done. I had pulled into the garage at home, looking forward to a nice hot cup of tea, when I realized I still didn't have a blip for the day, so I reluctantly headed back out for a short walk at Pioneer Park, where I was surprised to find the stream already beginning to freeze over. There was only one other person out braving the elements, and I didn't stay long - it was just too cold!

One year ago: Jubilant Singers

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