Mind Games

It was cold out today. The kind of cold where it should have snow to go with it...But who am I kidding, of course it hasn't snowed here yet. Just everywhere else.

I was so angry at the cold I slept from 11 until my 2 oclock class. Thank goodness I got all the work I was supposed to be doing when I was asleep done during my 2oclock class though! Philosophy is boring. I got my paper back and got an 94 even though I wrote it 2 hours before the class. Life is good.

Right now I'm hanging out it Wantagh Caitlyns and Alaska Caitlin's room. Good Times. I personally love the sign she has hanging on her wall. That's Wantagh Caitlyn.

"You know what I think hurts the most? The feeling of being replaced. It's like no matter what you did, it wasn't enough. And no matter what you do to try and capture their heart again, doesn't seem to work. And you're suddenly left thinking that you'll never be enough. And a sudden sadness captures your heart that never really leaves."
-JoAnne Golden

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