Fantasy Land

By maryam

Huma, my official blip addictive

This is a Huma, my face book crazy friend, a drama queen and the coffee lover. Today early in morning she hit me text that "Can i blip her today" and what my answer could be other than "i would love to do the honor".

Seriously i am in love with this lady who post amazing status every day to amuse people.

My moral is down to earth these days due to some financial crises and some academic worries but happen to talk with (Mam) Zahra Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle, I always found my self uncomfortable when i had something to present her or even talk to her (btw she is member of our Final Year project's oversight committee) and i always thought our frequency would never match. But i was wrong very wrong. I found her on exact opposite angel what i had perceived. When i said "Worries are all way around" she replied "if you want to talk and share, you can always talk to me without adding additional worries" What a lovely lady I had missed in all those days. Thank you so very much for being there. I can never imagine my university life without some greatest ENCOURAGING instructors in our dept specially Sir Bilal, Mam Saira, you, Sir Jerry. My goodness i've seen those people worried for me when i was uncomfortable/ losing my track. I am blessed. Yes, I AM THE CHOSEN ONE.

We arrive, to live
We see, to believe

We touch, to feel
We smell, to dwell

We hear, to fear
We haste, to taste

We dream, We want
We want, We dream

We get, We don't
We want, We dream

Endless Endless Endless Dreams!!!

By Clifford AGA
EDIT:Your journal entry for 07 December hit the Spotlight page ~ 08 December

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