A Smoggy now in Dubai

By bahrainsmog

Side streets of Manama

It's been yet another unexpected public holiday today - Get In!!!

So after a very brief appearance in the gym and then having a nice swim and bit of a lie in the sun for an hour or so I decided to go on a wander.

Been walking for about 3 hours and got a good blister to prove it. Found some really nice new places and a few twists and turns aside found myself in a few interesting areas. Interesting in the fact that it's nice to get away from the pristine buildings and get into the real local areas and see whats going on there.

It's a lot more real and you get a good feeling of whats going on. Came into an area where there was all these black banners, flags, posters etc all over the place. No idea what it's about or what it's for? Kind of nice walking around without a clue as to what's going on.

Or is that most days??

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