From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

There is always Music amongst the trees... the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~Minnie Aumonier

After a stressful morning (for Jane at least) and a wasted trip to take child #1 to get fitted for her braces (they said as she still has teeth coming, she needs to wait a year for them) we had a trip to the Penrith Schools Music Association carol service, which features lots of schools all singing carols. This year featured child #1 and child #3 last night and child #1 and child #2 tonight!

Although I am not a festive person, I love to listen to carols and every year surpasses my expectations and brings tears to my eyes without fail! And this year there were two of my favourite carols, Carol of the Bells and Gaudette!

It makes me quite sad sitting in the local church, St Andrews; it is huge, impressive building but the roof is cracked, the carpets are starting to look a bit old and faded and it needs a good coat of paint. Poor old building, it really could do with some love and attention on the inside!

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