The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Writers' Block

A well known condition for which there is no cure - and an affliction which affects most of us in the creative industries at some time in our lives. What dross am I spouting? Creative Industries - I wish! I could write this cack with my eyes closed - it's just that I can't be bothered. I'll tell you what I'd rather write about - it's that wonderful invention known as bustracker which I have on my mobby and which led to me alighting from the part route bus and walking home from Longstone as the next bus wasn't due for 25 minutes. Of course, it passed me within five minutes as I trudged and slithered along past scenic Slateford. Actually, I won't write that - it would bore you. It bores me. Put it down to experience. I will tell you a cure for writer's block though. I'll just pour one out first and see if it still works.

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