
By Juli

King of all he surveys?

I like birds. Despite someone having coined the not-very-complimentary phrase 'bird-brained', I always get the impression that they are highly intelligent (well, maybe with the exception of pheasants and anything ostrich-like!).

Our garden, like most at the moment, is filled with birds frantically flitting from here to there as they try to find enough food during the shorter daylight hours. I've seen starlings, blackbirds, sparrows, blue & great tits, robins, greenfinches, rooks, chaffinches, song thrushes, jackdaws, magpies, a woodpecker and, having a pond, the heron is never far away. Thought they would give me a great opportunity to test out my new super-duper mega-zoom but no - none of them stay in one position for more than a millisecond before they're off again!

Having decided against putting superglue on the bird-table, I had to settle for this woodpigeon, who sat on nextdoor's roof for ages this morning, as if contemplating his realm.

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