
By Rab

Night off!!!!

Well I finally get a night off tonight, although I still had to work from 10am-3.30pm to get it. These are very irregular hours for me, and I'm knackered, as I assumed I was getting the whole day off, so I had quite a lot to drink last night (Due to rough seas we arrived in Tortola at 3pm instead of 11am).

Anyway, I am going to enjoy it as it is my first night off in 6 WEEKS (as some of you know from yesterday, thanks for the sympathy BTW), although I still technically haven't had a day off in all that time.

I'll take it though.

Had some dinner outside, now gonna get the tin flute on and head upto the Crows Nest, for some drinks and a little dance. Have a nice night!!!!

This shot is off the back of the ship. From top to bottom, Promenade deck, Dining Room, Mooring Deck.

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