This day

By snapper

These boots were made for walking

Well folks its with a heavy heart I have to tell you that yesterday we had to put our beautiful Labrador Freda to sleep. She had been peeing red for just about a week and despite antibiotics, I took her back yesterday and got the other vet Allison who is fantastic. After scanning her, she didnt like what she saw and said the only way was to have a proper look incase it was pyometra and could be fixed. Anyhow I agreed and a couple of hours later she phoed back to say when she opened her up that poor Freda was riddled with huge cancerous tumours that if they burst would cause her terrible pain and suffering and that the kindest thing was to put her to sleep. There have been many tears shed since then by us all especially my youngest who was give Freda for her 8th birthday. She was just 10 years old and the nicest kindest dog you ever had and never ever needed a lead to walk. The other two wee dogs are both looking for her but no doubt they will settle.In the meantime on a happier note, here is Sam with his snow boots to stop the salt hurting his wee paws. He walks a bit like Charlie Chaplin and I think his street cred may suffer a bit but hey ho his paws dont hurt.

Have a good blip day all and hugs to all of your dogs.

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