l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

Taste Of The Poison Paradise.

I've been doing blipfoto for longer than a year. However, today was the first day I've realized that all of my pictures and all of my words are being read by absolute strangers, all around the world, every time I blip. You could follow a stranger's blips and by the end of the year know what they favor, dislike, who their family is, what they do, etc.

It's weird because I do this for me; I do it to remember how I was feeling that day, what I was doing, and how much I've changed throughout the year(s). I never realized how a stranger, I've never met or seen, could potentially know me almost as much as a friend would.

For all the stranger that are so very intrigued by my life, today I made "pancake danishes" for breakfast. They were weird, but good.

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