From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.

(Claude Debussy)

Lots of travelling today. I went for the 7.19 train, but managed to get on the delayed 0557 from Glasgow to Lancaster (that is some delay, we set off at 0715) and then the bus to Uni for a lecture. Same trip in reverse, and again the train was delayed. This time it was because the train was stuck at Preston with no staff to get it to Lancaster!!!

I got home and had to go to work with Jane to Carlisle and back; so about 150 miles for the day, which is not too bad, especially as I didn't drive any of it!

This picture, incidentally, is taken from the back seat of Jane's taxi on the southbound carriageway of the M6 between Carlisle and Penrith. The sun was just disappearing, so got a few snaps through the window!

Better bigger!

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