Nicola's world

By Nmjones

Band bags!!!!

This is the dreaded bandbag!!! For some iys in our nightmares!!!! Every week since the age of 9 months my daughter has been going to ministages she is now 5!!! Amelia has finished her time at ministages and is now onto earlystages but in-between Isabella has been attending so what has started as fun has turned into a bit of a slog where sadly you have to dive for a seat after otherwise ending up sitting on the floor like a small child. It's not that it should be a painful experience but to do more or less the same thing for so long it can be mind numbing!!

Every mother at some point is reduced to a sweat of what your child may or may not of done. There's a particular song which starts off amusing called the penguin waddle where the children have to stick a penguin between their legs and waddle then shake their bottom but then my memories of this is the mums having to be involved and us having to stick a penguin between our legs whilst pregnant wiggling our backsides??? Then the main thing each week the band bag now I have to say some mums get into and take part in the can can ( not mentioning any names ( Christine) ! You may ask why I'm still attending! Well I've given the experience to Amelia so I really should hold out for Isabella's enjoyment??!! On the plus side through this mummy experience I've made some firm friends who have each Been blunt at one point or another saying the truth even if I havnt necessarily been ready to hear it along with fun nights out comparing our stories of motherhood along with the odd person having a moan about men or mother in laws! All path for the course so I may moan about it sometimes but I appreciate it too! I look forward to the next ministages meal out or coffee morning when our little Angels busy schedule allow it!

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