My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute

Merry Holidays

I wrapped these gifts (gift cards) with newspaper and a brochure from one of the classes at UCI. I didn't want to use wrapping paper because I didn't feel like it. The boy who got the newspaper one (this was for Secret Santa) made fun of the wrapping saying, "Whoa I bet you [he didn't know whose it was] spent a LOT on this." You know, all sarcastic-like. In my head, I'm thinking, "You azz, at least I took the time to WRAP it and it's not some cruddy piece of trash; it's a specifically selected page of the newspaper with a color picture on it."

I mean, you got the gift. Why be so picky about the wrapping! And I took a lot of time on it too, as you can see. The other one, the guy who received that one didn't even bother thanking me. Someone said, "Who gave that to you?" And he just shrugged and said, "I dunno." BUT IT WAS RIGHT ON THE BACK OF THE CARD! You azz. Whatever. Spirit of giving, blah blah.

I got a Nala plushie from another guy. I should've held it like the baby cub in "Circle of Life" but I didn't have the presence of mind.

Anyway, today I:

*Woke up
*Ate lunch
*Went to little hall party
*Got some candy
*Went to Pippins commons to get some free coffee and caramel apples

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