Strange World

By strangeworld


So this friend of mine asked me to take a few still life shots for his website. Sure no problem! Right? Wrong....

Day 1 - My photography equipment consists of my DSLR, a few lenses, and a tripod. I spent some time scrounging around the garage and basement looking for light fixtures. After completing my first round of shots with the both set ups, I packed everything up and hit the computer. Major fail on my part. I didnt realize the table I was using was covered in dust and fingerprints...which were clearly visible in every shot. I was so focused on the placement of the items that I didnt see it.

Day 2 - Using a shiny clean table and pieces I shot the second round. Packed everything up and hit the computer. Much better...I was focused on the reflections and the shadows...and failed to notice that the background (a pair of my hubby's tan pants) had disappeared. Apparently he threw them in the laundry.

Day 3 - The cliche' shot of chess pieces intended to communicate strategy to the viewers of the website. Hey...I just do what they want. ;)

The second shot is even more cliche' and still hasnt been perfected. Maybe tomorrow.


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