
By dogwithnobrain

There was none bolder, with good broad shoulder

How excited was I, when at 12 noon, I heard the sound of drums and bagpipes?

I had read in the local paper that there was going to be a homecoming parade, and I meant to be all prepared for it!

Some Thursdays, I used to see a bus sitting at the top of the Street and Soliders in Desert Fatigues boarding the bus, looking whistfully around. I wanted to go over and hug every one of them, but have always resisted. Maybe I should have?

But today, the 1st Battalion Scots Guards came home for Christmas from a Tour of Afghanistan, and as Freemen of the District of Kyle and Carrick, they are exercising their right, as pictured here, to carry fixed bayonets on arms through the town.

I would have kissed and hugged everyone of these boys. I would not want my boy to choose this path. These boys are the ones who stand in the front line and take the bullets for anyone they are told to protect. To do this job, there is no right of refusal. You might sign up to see the world, and make new friends, but the truth is, that bonus comes with a very high price.

At 5th December 346 British Soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan. Everyone of these soldiers here has witnessed things we wouldn't want to.

Spare a thought for these boys, and their families, and those they left behind at Christmas.

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