
By uhhuh


Woke up, watched The Corpse Bride with K and then walked over to A's flat. Went to an amazing restaurant called Breakfast In America, which is basically like an American diner in the middle of Marais! Ordered waaaay too much food though. Half a plate of nachos, fries and hot dogs!! Tasty as hell :)

Then went to an open mike night at "Pop In" where there were a number of hilarious acts. It wasn't a comedy thing though, it was music. There was this one really old guy who went on and sang these funny songs in English, and it turned out that he had been living in the West Indies for 40 years! Plus, hearing French people singing English songs is amazing. Deciphering the lyrics is hiiiiilarious. We thought one guy was saying "watch your hairline, jew-wigs"!

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