Happy birthday

I've watched Corrie since my teens. And when I was a wee lad I could hear the theme tune when I was in bed. my mother watched it, even although it was not on the BBC.

If I knew as much about the ancient Greek Philosophers or the works of Chaucer as I do about Corrie, I'd be hailed as one of the greatest academics of the day. It would probably be my specialist round on Mastermind; Coronation Street 1960 to 2008.

Yup. Only up to 2008. I had sort of lost touch a bit. And blip's to blame. I watch very little telly these days. Preferring to listen to the radio whilst flitting around t'internet. Although, of course I've various pals and relatives keeping me up to speed with what's going on.

I'd an appointment tonight that couldn't be changed. But I watched the live episode when I got home. And you know, it were great. The great and the good of Wetherfield gathered in The Rovers and Roy's Rolls to console each other. Sally's hair looking as lovely as ever in amongst the rubble. Dev with the acting prowess of a plank of wood. I am a little worried as to where Gail, Deirdre and Rita were though. And I had hoped for some rallying speech from Ken (like in the live 40th anniversary episode).

Is Peter dead? And I am not sure whose body was being dragged up the close.

Folks can get a bit sniffy about Corrie. Ignore them. It's great.

I am back on track, I'll be watching from now on.

And if you ever need advice? Just think "What would Deirdre do?" (and do the opposite)

In other news; I have eaten so much today I may burst.

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