Bliptures from jayman888

By jayman888

L is for Liberation

When I started work 20 years ago I had to travel to a Bank in the City everyday. On my desk was a landline telephone and an ashtray. There was a Secretary who did all my typing and filing and the was a massive revolving filing cabinet built into the wall where all our documents where filed.

Roll on 20 years. I work from home and only go into the office whenever I need to.

Technology has LIBERATED me. I have a big desk, proper hifi, work issue laptop, personal MacBook and 2 Blackberries...

Not a landline telephone or ashtray in sight!

Today I was editing some holiday video on my Mac whilst producing some site survey reports for work and listening to 'The Blue Album' by The Beatles. ( and tweeting a little ) Another hard day at the office.

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