Out (Mid) West

By yyc_to_lnk

Block Heater

it is only -15 or so (-22 with wind chill apparently) and not too bad to scurry about a bit but have resolved to use the block heater more this year - had some fun in Los Angeles when I had the oil changed having a bet with the Mexicans about what the power plug could be for! The block heater keeps the oil liquid which helps spinning things when you start up in the morning. But Oh - I hear you say - 0-30 synthetic oil is liquid to -40? Errr rather disconcerting to have a quart in the car when you see it is gello/sludge. On a bad day here you can put oil in the freezer to warm it up..

Enough of the winter stuff -not that bad really. Will try to get a shot of the rabbits which are now snow white (nach)

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