New friend

Cousteau is a sociable young fella. He met this Labradoodle-type-dog on the beach this afternoon.

Rae damaged herself last night. She kind of hand-blended her finger. Ouch. Lots of blood and pain (for her) and racing around for B and me.

Good news being that she'll be fine. Her finger will heal. Poor thing.

We got up late this morning. Well, I did. Rae is on a fitness thing and she got up early.

Then breakfast and off to the doctor's to get her finger looked at.

Then off to the Monastery for a working bee. Spent a couple of hours, head down, bum up weeding.

Then this beach walk with Rae and the red boy.

Home for a run (clearly the fitness thing is catching), stretches and weights. Just had a shower and am feeling tired but better than I have in a while.

Hopefully I'll keep it up.


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