
By uhhuh


Photo of the grotty (but still quite awesome) cinema that I went to today.

Did a lot today! In the morning, went to see one of my oldest and best friends at the airport on her stop-over here on her way back from Toronto (where she moved to go to uni this year). I had not seen her since September! Was really lovely, just chatting face to face, and it's made me reaaaaally excited about going home and seeing everyone again :)

Then I went to Opera to go to the Uniqulo there, but the queue was INSANE, so I thought that my jeans-buying could wait until the Christmas rush is over... I really hate waiting for things.

Work in the evening, then cinema to see Scott Pilgrim (as the photo demonstrates) and to go out dancing with mateys :) I'm gonna miss them when I go home too...

Many creepy French guys on the dancefloor, but still fun times :) Night bus journey back was hilarious though! Chatted with some random people on the first one, then changed to the second, where some waaasted guys started pole dancing at the back of the bus where we were sitting!

Freaking tiiiiiiiiiiired though. Day off tomorrow, a lie in is DEFINITELY happening.

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