John R Smith

By chamberlainjohn

'Tis the season to be jolly (silly)!

I can't help having an eye for the quirky right now. It must be to do with all the snow, or the impending sense of Christmas. (I have to warn you I do get a bit of a slightly undeserved reputation for being the ultimate "bah-humbug"!)

But here in the fish shop window? What possible connection can there be between a strange looking fiddler in what may be imagined to be a post mediaeval court fool costume, and a very large crustacean - and what on earth could any of it be to do with Christmas?

Ah wait - I dimly recollect - from "Love Actually" (Universal Pictures 2003) - this bit of dialogue between the delightful Emma Thomson (Karen) and her daughter (Daisy).

Karen: So what's this big news, then?
Daisy: [excited] We've been given our parts in the nativity play. And I'm the lobster.
Karen: The lobster?
Daisy: Yeah!
Karen: In the nativity play?
Daisy: [beaming] Yeah, *first* lobster.
Karen: There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?
Daisy: Duh.

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