
By skaterg1rl

as it's pre-xmas mania time, we not only had panto - oh no we didnt, oh yes we did - but cb2's class were showing us what they'd done for 'when gran was a girl'. there was a fine hand jiving demo and tea and pancakes in the dining room.

we took four kids to the panto - sleeping beauty at the king's theatre. it was loud, brash and exactly what you'd expect panto to be like.

we bought flashing light sticks for everyone - i thought we'd managed a record last year for the number of times anyone has changed bust ones and decided to swap one sort for another, but this year cb2's pal T managed to change his five times. from flashing gun to light sabre to foam thumbs-up hand to flashing gun and back to light sabre. all credit to the theatre staff who just kept the kids happy.

only disappointment is that they didnt read out mr skaterg1rl's birthday - boo hiss.

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