Tis the season...

13 months 20 days

....for Christmas parties. Today was Katie's second. This one was brilliant. It was at the Childrens Centre and she had such a great time. She made a tree decoration, a glitter picture, decorated a bun and other things! One by one the children were taken into one of the rooms that they'd turned into a grotto to meet Father Christmas. She was a little unsure, although she liked the pretty lights and twinkly fabric! Come party food time, Katie wasn't interested in the cakes, jam tarts etc, she had a banana, a satsuma and some grapes!

She had a quick lunch at home (and I emailed myself a few pics so I could blip tonight!) and then we went to meet Granny and Grandad. We got a few bits done before going for afternoon tea (and highchair racing after Grandad noticed the wheels on it). she charged round their house for a while and is now fast asleep snuggled up under the beautiful patchwork quilt that Granny made for her.

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