My City

By mycity

My City Day 56

Taking a break today from the action "paintings" and just walked around the neighborhood.

I have a student in my Media Class that likes to call himself a "tagger" and he often shows me work he has done. So when I saw this in the lane way I really looked at it and thought to myself, what a talent it takes to do this with a spray paint can. While this is not my students work and I realize that many are bothered by this type of "art" it is what is going on in our world. And is not all art actually a way to say "hey, I was here and I have left my mark"....not unlike photography in a way.

I was in Florence this past summer and I was stunned and bothered that there was so much graffiti on the historic buildings and then I made the connection that there was a little irony in the two juxtapositions going on...Florence the home of the Renaissance and now the home of taggers...somehow it seemed a weird way:-)

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