
By flying

Lazy Sunday.....

well, just about!

Got home in the wee hours of today and up with the birds as Daughter A and Daughter E are working and Daughter E needed a ride. Thats fine, gave hubby and I a chance to visit the Waimakariri River.

Hubby crosses this river twice a day, I cross it about twice a week but at Christmas it can be four times a day, but not every day. Its not a problem as its always beautiful, being one of many of NZ's braided rivers. Theres forever changing scenes with fishing, jet boating and people walking dogs and picnicing. I have marvelled over the 16 years we have lived by this river at the Sunsets but to capture them could be challenging, as the best views of course are off the motorway bridge, no stopping, no footpath. We have never explored this river!! We should've when our girls were younger but life was always to busy so today was the day for hubby and I.

Its a long river with many roads by it. We drove, walked, took photos, drove and walked some more. It was serene and beautiful. We saw fisherman, yatchs, jet boats and gulls. Then hubbys cellphone rang and he was needed at work.

Thats okay I have jobs to do at home and we now have more of an idea of how to get down to the riverbed to continue this mini adventure. It was good to get some fresh air after our evening out - it was quite a party!

The lone bird caught my attention flying in the breeze with the colours of the river below gently lapping at the edges of the riverbed.

Many thanks for your comments I will try to catch up over the next few days and then the real challenge will come - blipping when family are staying!!
So looking forward to seeing my brother but after not seeing him or his family for 5 years I think blip will be taking a little side step, we'll see how everything fits in.

Must head out to the garden, plants to plant and a little more weeding to be done. I'll be back later :))

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