
This is my stocking. It's quite possible I showed you it last year as when I typed the title it had been used before, can't imagine any other stockings I'd blip, haha!

It's 31 years old, my mum made it for me for my first Christmas. When my son was born I asked her to make him one the same, it's one the the Christmas memories to me. And then of course I had a daughter so she got one too.

My sister had a baby on Christmas day last year, and Mum is going to have to get busy again by next year when he "gets" Christmas for Santa to fill!

Edit: OK I've just freaked myself out by going looking for the potential stocking blip before. I've pretty much written the same thing. Spooky! Not taken other photos to change today for, so it'll have to do. Look Here!

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