Iron out the Rough Spots...

So, überClock is put on it's full road test last night and this morning.

Remember, I mentioned that you can push a button on the front and it speak the time?

It was set to turn green at 7:00am this morning. 6:30am comes round and all we hear from the bedroom...

"Six Thirty AM", "Six Thirty AM", "Six Thirty AM", "Six Thirty AM" "Six, Six, Six, Six Thirty AM".

Walk through and the two of them are sitting on the floor in front of the clock, pushing the talk time button waiting for it to turn green.

So....I turn the volume right down and head back to bed. Two minutes later...

"Twelve AM", "Twelve AM", "Twelve AM", "Twe, Twe, Twelve Oh One AM". The sods unplugged it and plugged it back in thus reseting it as turning the volume back on.

The backup batteries are bought and installed. Second time lucky...

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