A Dog's Dinner

By G


Today we went out lumber jacking.

The Forestry Commission (our National Forest organisation) allows me to collect wood and fallen timber from our forest for the princely sum of £20.00 for 3 months. Unfortunately they call it a Scavengers Licence, which I think sends the wrong message. I see it more of a Recycling a Carbon Neutral Bi-Product Licence, so really I'm doing my bit for the Planet as well as heating the house on the cheap.

The catch? No power tools allowed, so it's all bushsaws and lopers. Hard work for an hour our two but enough fuel to last a month

I've had my eye on this Ash for around two years, it came down in a storm, and I've been letting it mature on the ground.

Beechwood fires are bright and clear
If the logs are kept a year
Chestnut only good they say
If for long it's laid away
Make a fire of elder tree
Death within your house will be
But ash new or ash old
Is fit for a Queen with a crown of gold

Cosy times ahead.

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