A time for everything

By turnx3

Parrot Alley in the snow

This morning was our church choir's special Advent musical presentation during first and third service. We were performing Vivaldi's Gloria, with a small orchestra, and two guest soloists. We had awakened to a light covering of fresh snow, and as we were driving into church for practice at 8am, it was still snowing. I was afraid the weather would keep some people away, but there was still a pretty good turn out, and third service was packed, as it often is. Laura loves the music, and so wanted to sing with us, even though she is still not quite finished at university yet - she finished with classes this last week, but has exams on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. So she had driven down (about a 50 minute drive) for rehearsal with orchestra yesterday afternoon, then driven back afterwards, as she had a party to go to. She drove back home again late last night, then back to uni. again this afternoon after dinner. I was relieved to get her call to say she had got back OK, as the snow had started to come down more thickly about the time she left. She said the roads were pretty bad by the time she got to Oxford - they're not so good at road clearing up there -its more out in the country. She had skidded several times, but fortunately not into anything! Anyway, the music went pretty well - both times, and that's not always easy to do - often we may sing well at first service, but then perhaps we get complacent and don't do as well next time!

I talked to my brother and sister on the phone this afternoon - it had been a while since we'd talked - so we got to catch up a bit. Then Roger and I headed off to the "Y" to get some exercise - with parties the last two evenings, we felt it was very necessary! We stopped off briefly in downtown Montgomery on the way there for me to get a quick blip. It was still snowing when we got home, so it was nice to come into the warm, cozy, Christmas tree-lit house and know we didn't have to go out again!

One year ago: Red-tailed hawk?

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