Weird weather

I was asked to take a few pictures of the bell choir at church this morning, and that is where I took this picture of two of the ringers during their rehearsal before the service. Unfortunately, the weather slid downhill today like a toboggan on an icy slope. I never got out to the park for a photo walk, so you are being treated to an indoor picture birds and no deer.

We had a weird weather event over the past 24 hours. Yesterday morning it was cold, and we had 3 or 4 inches of snow on the ground. Around mid-day it started to warm up. By 4 pm it was 44 degrees Fahrenheit. This morning it was relatively warm. Most of the snow had melted, and it was raining. Now, at 10:30pm, the temperature has fallen to 27 degrees and snow is accumulating again. Talk about fickle weather! It reminds me of the truism: If you don't like the weather, just wait an hour. It'll change!

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