The Final Stretch

I spent the majority of the day studying history. I need to have titles, artists, time periods, type of art, and country produced in memorized by 8am tomorrow. It seems like a lot but don't worry there is even more cards cropped out of this picture.

The roomies and I had chinese food and our Secret santa celebration tonight. I got a cute shirt from Meggy :) Aw. Val of course had what I got her...A for effort...

If only I could get an A for effort on tomorrows tests. 8am Art history. 10:30 College Writing. 3:30 Topics In Biology. Wish me luck...

At least after that its cleaning, packing, and one more test until I'm home. Just have to survive tomorrow.

"I'm in love, and when you're in love you don't care what the consequences are, you just hang off every word they say, and do anything for them because seeing them happy makes you happy."
-Rachael Farrington

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