Location, location...
"What d'you think - not bad is it?"
"But Bill, the brickwork's all stained and the garden's dreadfully overgrown!"
"This is Newport, dawling, like you said you wanted - the property market is sky-high!"
"The view's not up to much here and the traffic fumes are terrible. Why can't we nest on the castle?"
"Stonework's in a shocking state there - and besides they're all snobs and you'd get pecked."
"Well, I'm the one who'll be laying our eggs and I don't feel right here."
"Come on, I'll build you a lovely nest and as soon as you're incubating you'll be as happy as a lark - er, I mean a jackdaw!"
Jackdaws are gregarious but have a very strict pecking order. They are monogamous and the male/female pair bonds for life, the female acquiring her mate's status in the hierarchy.
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