Trial and Error

By DawnC


Actually it's Petersfield Heath. Still, there was something about the icy, fog-cloaked morning and the wooded island that put me in mind of Avalon. I stopped for a walk around the lake shortly after 8am, having dropped the dogs off at the groomer's. When I picked them up again later they had miraculously turned into a pair of very clean, freshly scented West Highland White Terriers.

Avalon features twice in my list of favourite things, by the way. There's the book The Mists of Avalon by Marion Bradley, which I read when I was 17 and adored, and then there's the Roxy Music album Avalon, which reminds me of the same time in my life. Seems a long time ago now...

A few more shots in my blipfolio, in case of interest.

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