Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Peppa Pig on the phone !

I love watching Peppa Pig but I love it most when I watch it on Dad's iPhone. I asked Dad if I could watch some tonight. Dad decided to let me because I asked very nicely. I said "please can watch Peppa Pig on the phone, Dad".

We try to ration Peppa Pig because it's one thing guaranteed to cause a tantrum when Peppa Pig time is over.

Dad then asked me how many Peppa Pigs I wanted to watch and I said four. Dad then asked me if I would promise to give the phone back after four episodes. I said yes and we shook hands on it.

After two episodes Dad asked me how many episodes I had left and I told him that I dad two left to watch. I also told him "do you want to go away?"

As expected, Orla did have a tantrum after the fourth episode and wouldn't give the phone back freely. However, it was a much shorter tantrum than the norm.

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