
Something strange is going on in our house.
In our bedroom we have a small CD player on the bookcase and a touch lamp on the chest of drawers next to the bed. Nothing unusual in that except during the night I woke up to the sound of voices, thinking there was somebody outside I got up and went to the window.....nothing. Turned round to get back into bed and the CD player was on, switched it off and got back into bed went back to sleep.

Sometime later I woke again, this time the light was on. You have to touch the base to switch it on and my arms aren`t long enough to do that without climbing over Chris who was dead to the world. Reached over and turned it off.
Got up at 4, went downstairs, plugged in his earpiece to charge it up [forgot to do it last night] nothing,no little red light blinking, nowt. Tried all the other sockets, rechecked the connection, still nothing.

Came home tonight....the CD player is on again so is the lamp and his earpiece which I left plugged in is happily charging away....any explanation would do please..oh and I while I was peeling onions for spag bol and I felt someone blow on my cheek and it wasn`t my beloved as he was in the bath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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