Today's job was mainly shopping. I figured I might be able to get caught up with some present shopping given that the huge Westfield shopping centre is just down the road. So warm in London - though I think I'm the only one who thought it, well I was certainly the only person in West London with no coat on.
Much of the shopping trip was spent tutting at how rude people are in shops - making phone calls at the checkout and ignoring members of staff. I mean, how hard is it to say thank you when someone hands you your bag of goodies? Tsk.
My friend had invited the rest of the girls over for an evening of canapes and wine. I know, rollmops are probably not classic canape material - but too delicious to be left in the shop. Great fun catching up with everyone. Later, with the man of the house returned from his works do and collapsed snoring on the sofa, my friend set me to rights on a few things - sometimes to you need a friend to remind you of the tiny vestiges of willpower you might have hidden away inside.
Another night spent up late chatting as though we didn't have children to deal with in the morning...
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